Sunday 29 December 2013

How to improve Concentration for CA,CWA,CS Exams

How to improve Concentration for CA,CWA,CS Exams  – an Ultimate Preparation Guide :


Do focus and concentrate on studies
Hard work is very important in passing  of CA,CWA,CS Exams. Of course, only hard work is not sufficient in CA,CWA,CS Exams .also need Smart work and some % of Luck. Before that first you have concentration, focus on studies. Without concentration, focus you could not prepare for CA,CWA,CS Exams. But concentrating on Studies is not easy as much as I is very difficult to concentrate, focus on studies. Some students suffers from this problem that how to concentrate  on Exams. Here I’m giving some tips to improve your concentration.

Improving concentration…
  • Study in a quiet place that is free from distractions and interruptions. Try to create a space designated solely for studying.

  • Make a study schedule that shows what tasks you need to accomplish and when you plan to accomplish each task. This will provide you with the structure you need for effective studying.

  • Try to study at that time of the day you work best. Some people work well early in the morning, others late at night. You know what works best for you

  • Make sure, you are not tired and/or hungry when you study. Otherwise, you won't have the energy you need to concentrate. Also, maintain your physical fitness.

  • Don't try to do two tasks at the same time. You won't be able to concentrate on either. Concentration means focusing on one thing to the exclusion of all else.

  • Break large tasks into series of smaller tasks that you can complete one at a time. If you try to complete a large task all at once, you may feel overwhelmed and will not be able to maintain your concentration.

  • Relax; it's hard to concentrate when you're tense. It's important to relax when working on a task that requires concentration. Meditation is helpful to many students.

  • Clear your mind of worrisome thoughts. Mental poise is important for concentration. You can get distracted  by your own thoughts. Monitor your thoughts and prevent yourself from following any that take you off track. Don't daydream.

  • Develop an interest in what you are studying. Try to relate what you are studying to your own life to make it as meaningful as possible. This can motivate you to concentrate.

  • Take breaks whenever you feel fatigued. There is no set formula for when to take breaks. You will know when you need to take a break.

  • Studying without concentration is like trying to fill a bucket with water when the bucket has a hole in its bottom. It doesn't work

Do’s :

1.Show Some Interest :

the first important thing is you have to show interest on Exams. Without interest you couldn’t make anything in exams. Maximize your level of interest in exams time.

2.Avoid phones, computers, TVs :

Minimize or avoid phones, computers as much as you can. especially the internet. Control your temptation over phones, computers, and avoid chatting ,games in internet .(daily 10-15 min.s ok..)

3. Find A Good Time To Study 

Some students might be focused at early morning or some are at evenings ,night choose your right our exams we have to study all day and night when you have fresh mind (mostly in early morning) it’s better to read theory. And when boring time better to practice problems (mostly in night outs)

4.Find a study partner

Pick someone who is sensible and focused like you are on the same task. Don't always pick your best friend, as you may ruin both your concentrations by chitchatting. Having a study partner is a great idea, as you can bounce ideas off each other, and see things form a different perspective as yourself.

5. Find A Good Place to Study

Our studying place will also affects our concentration. Studying place is very important. Choose a nice place which is far from disturbance and other noise.

6. Set Up A Timer 

We are generally really poor at estimating how much time we need to get something done. We overestimate the amount of time we have in exams. This will also help in exam time. Set a timer and complete tasks in time.

7. Make a study timetable

Once you know what you want, the next step is to prepare a weekly study timetable. Set a routine for everything. Your timetable could include the time you should go to bed, the time you should have your meals, and – most importantly – the time you should spend on studies. There is no hard and fast rule and you should of course allow some flexibility depending on how things go. But establishing a routine is essential, and do try to stick to your study timetable as best as you can.

8.Practice Yoga and meditation to improve your concentration.

9.Do solve puzzles, Sudoku to improve your memory power.

this will help you to improve your concentration
This will help you to improve your concentration.focus at origin.

10. Take short breaks

After 45 minutes of studying, take a 10 minute break and do something different. Try to get back to your studying after the break; the break shouldn't be longer than 20 minutes.

11.Keep all things you need

Do not plan to look for pens, highlighters, study materials and water in the middle of studying. It can be really distracting at times, so prepare everything you think you need.

12.Eat fruits, green vegetables and healthy food.

13.Go to bed early and wake up early. This is very well known universal fact .


1.Don’t waste your time using internet ,phone and computer.

2.Night outs are not always be far from night outs.

3.Don’t eat fried ,oiled food and sugar content. Avoid too much of coffee, tea.

4.Don’t read continuously above 1-2 hours (depends upon your capacity)

5. Get Rid of the Negativity. Avoid negative thoughts and Don't get discouraged.

6.Avoid pornographic, adult content or material.


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